When I paint, after each session I take a digital picture. Perhaps its strange to study a photo of the work when the actual work is sitting right in front of me but, I still use the good old tricks like turning the work upside down to find errors in proportions or things that jump out that shouldn't. I find that the same applies to digital photo's with the added bonus of being able to go back and see from start to finish how I progressed. I also still use my colour wheel and charts. In fact, every time I buy a new tube of paint I paint it into my chart with a note next to it telling me if its hot or cold, transparent or opaque.....Someday I hope to be able to switch my brain off and paint on instinct and actually know what I'm doing!...Someday!
This painting I did this week for a dear friend and I hope she loves it as much as I loved painting it for her. It is oil on canvas 18" by 24", Untitled for now.